OnePOD with customerised bracket.
Australia Wide

At a glance
Samsung has brought out their latest range, Galaxy Z fold and flip phones, and required brackets to display this range to ensure maximum product safety, yet offering users the ability to interact with the products. The InVue brackets previously made for the fold version worked perfectly on their latest Fold 3 phone, however the Flip 3 phone required custom made brackets as the previous generation bracket did not allow customers to open and close the phone.
Sabel modified the bracket to meet Samsung’s needs and expectations.
Our Approach
Due to the device being such a high-end phone where physical touch and features (the folding glass screen) were paramount, this was a challenging blend to achieve. An innovative approach was required with highly accurate design and production requirements.
The result is a perfect balance between security and customer experience.
We drew on our team’s extensive manufacturing and design experience in the retail sector to achieve a finely machined bracket solution that enables the customer to still open and fold the phone screen without compromising security, while fitting right in on the existing base OnePOD and OneKEY technology.